What is Chatham Monitor?

This publication is the effort of several concerned Chatham County, NC residents to present information relevant parents and community members. It is Chatham Monitor’s mission to present facts and allow the public to make their own decisions regarding current events in our county and community.

Chatham Monitor
What is Chatham Monitor?
Our public school system is a complex machine, and parents don't have time to keep an eye on everything happening at the district level. Join the Chatham Monitor newsletter for a glimpse of things you might be missing. What is this publication? The Chatham Monitor on Substack seeks to summarize and highlight what our neighbors might want to know, but are …
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What sources does Chatham Monitor use?

Links to sources are included to the greatest extent possible. Generally, posts are based on publicly-available information from local agencies, such as minutes from open board meetings, or alternately, obtained through sunshine law records requests.

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Presenting information relevant to parents in Chatham County, NC.


A citizen journalism project seeking to provide information to our community.