Chatham County Schools Outlines Library Book Consideration Processes, Provides Few Details
The state of library operations in Chatham County, NC's public schools.
Some questions:
Why is CCS preparing for parental reconsideration requests?
Do they believe books held in their collections may be worthy of objection?
Let us know what you think in the comments section.
In April 2022, district administrators presented an overview of library operations and updates for the county school system. The information was presented by Emma Braaten, Executive Director of Digital Learning for Chatham County Schools, whose position falls under the Academic and Instructional Support (ASIS) Division of district leadership. A recap of the past year of operations, digital resources, and the administrators’ vision for media materials management and review were included in the overview.
Excerpts from the “Library Media Programs” slide show are presented below.
How does Chatham County develop and maintain school library collections?
Books and Media Reconsideration Requests
A link to the “Reconsideration Form” can be found on the Digital Learning & Technology page of the Chatham County Schools website, but it is not currently accessible to the public. Copies of the documents referenced in the slide above (Overview for Principals & Librarians, Reconsideration Form, and Review Committee Guidance) were also not provided to the public.
Additionally, administrators outlined upcoming goals for Chatham County Schools libraries as below.
Chatham County School Libraries’ Future
View the entire presentation: